
Becoming The Running Thriver

 Surviving is barely getting by.  Thriving. That’s fighting…” 
― Jillian Michaels

Back when I started this blog, you can say I was a different person.  Why?  Well, I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and was in the painstaking process of rebuilding my life.  I was a shadow of the person I had once been and not sure how to get to where (or should I say who) I wanted to be.

In a moment of desperation, I ran a google search for Domestic Violence Support Groups.  What happened next completely changed my life.  Prior to meeting Susan Omilian and attending her “My Avenging Angel Workshops,” I was suffering from crippling anxiety, nightmares, and a host of other PTSD symptoms.  I had tried multiple therapists, psychiatrists, and medications, but nothing had helped.  Stepping into Susan’s workshop, meeting other women who understood what I had been through, seeing women who were THRIVING after abuse– it was the first time someone told me I was “going to be okay” and I actually believed it.

The workshops focused on living a life of not just surviving after abuse, but THRIVING.  Instead of focusing on what had happened in our pasts, we concentrated on the future and all the goals we wanted to accomplish.

It was after the workshop and the realization of just how many other woman were victims of abuse that I decided I wanted to do SOMETHING to support other survivors of abuse and help fight the stigma.  So I decided to share my story and chronicle my journey from Survivor to Thriver.  Hence The Running Thriver was born.

Since that time I have worked my up from barely being able to run 10K to 50K.  I survived 12 hours and 26 miles of the first Spartan Ultra Beast course (before being pulled due to weather), and have raised a lot of money for victims of violence in the process.  My newest adventure was deciding to take on the world of triathlon, which meant learning to swim and bike at the age of 30.

I am not a remarkable athlete, even remotely coordinated, or well established in the blog-o-sphere. What I am is determined, resilient, tireless.

My Mission: To provide proof that regardless of what a person has endured in life, it is never to late to become the person you desire to be.

I am here to inspire and empower the masses to go chase your dreams!



  1. Jenny –

    I loved reading your blog…you are also fabulous! One thing that struck me though…when you were talking about feeling guilty a lot…have you ever read Melodie Beattie’s books, “Codependent No More” or “Beyond Codependency”? There is something of value for everyone in her books, I believe. Also, you don’t have to strive to be perfect, you are perfect just the way you are!

    Sending love and peace,


  2. Thanks for liking my post in Fat Girl in a Skinny World! Your blog is a definite inspiration as I take my steps towards becoming a runner again. I too am a domestic abuse survivor. I went ahead and subscribed to your blog because frankly, in this world of running again, I need all the help and inspiration I can get!!

  3. Your story reminded me of this quote:

    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. [Eleanor Roosevelt]

    May your runs empower you in more than just physical ways. 🙂

  4. Hi. Thank you for “liking” my recent post on preparing for a half marathon. (graceyb@wordpress.com)
    I like your blog very inspirational on so many levels. I have added you to my blogroll if that is OK
    Stay strong– I have a feeling you certainly will!

  5. Hello: Thank you very much for liking my recent post. I just started it and finding someone like you is absolutely inspiring and motivating. I also read other posts of yours and I can related to many of them. When your heart is in “it”, it’s hard to get out and you don’t realize it at the moment. I will keep writing my blog and try to grow it so that more people like us can find hope and strength in them.
    If you don’t mind, I would like to add your blog to my blogroll. Again, thank you very much for being inspirational and encouraging.

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and please keep coming back as I will continue my story. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask.

  7. Thank you for reading and ‘liking’ my blog on my journey to my first marathon. Having stopped by here I have to say your story is quite moving and very inspirational. What’s really great is that you came through that and can now see how you deserved so much better. I’m really pleased you’ve found happier times and long may they continue! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to hear your story 🙂

    Lincolnshire, UK


  8. I too am a Thriver…
    If i had to have a label I wanted strength to ooze out of
    showing no fear….
    there are days i say I survived, but i survived in thriving
    because I have many moments of life taking my breath away
    as I wander in each cross-road before me…
    I like your definitions…I really relate to the glitter one LOLs
    I create Faerie houses and Habitats, I love shiney things
    mystical and magick, for it is so much more fun to thrive there
    than in the mundane of what some consider happiness…

    I will indeed enjoy reading how you Thrive in your world…
    an inspiration you are….

    Take Care…
    You Matter…..

  9. “wow, those thrivers sure now how to decopage”

    very funny! I’ve been working on knitting away my spring worries and have need to up the tools to stiffy glue baloons, which helped some…but has me awake wanting to decopage some paper. Sillyness!, as the goal is to rest/sleep…not wake up with glue dreams!

    looking fwd to reading some of your other posts.

  10. You’re amazing! I just read your story and saw your post-race pictures (for which I am extremely jealous…mine always look like a pumpkin on top of a runner’s body). Thanks for sharing so much; it makes me feel much more comforted about my own bad relationship experience. I totally agree that running can be so empowering!

  11. You are Awesome! Love your FB Page Keep “Thriving” ^_^ ♥ You are an inspiration! It’s just a Thank You, Thank You for Being YOU!

    Hosanna in the Highest!

    For His Glory,

    ♥ Linda M

      1. YOU are most welcome. YOU are very deserving. Take good care and I hope your shoulder and your knee are feeling better. Have a great day. 🙂

  12. Hi – I know you’ve been nominated before, but I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award – your blog is awesome! Check out my nomination here http://fatgirlinskinnyworld.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/thank-you/. As you know, there are some rules to receive the award – (1) thank the blogger who nominated you (2) include the links to their blogs, (3) include the award image in your post, (4) copy the award image to your site, (5) give seven random facts about yourself, (6) nominate 15 other bloggers for the award, (7) when nominating other bloggers include the links to their sites, and (8) let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated. Thanks for being an inspiration to this old(er) woman!

  13. Thanks for the “like” on my blog! I am happy you found me so that I could find you and read your story. We have a lot in common! I LOVE your attitude/philosophy/outlook!

  14. How do I begin to – Thank You – for stopping over and following my humble blog-o-thing?!? I wish you the very best, not only today but well into the future. Be inspired and please take care.

  15. Thank you for following my blog! I’m so glad to have found you. You are an inspiration!! I can’t wait to read more, to continue being inspired! I am once again medically banned from running, so please run for me! I can’t wait to get back to it, and will find solace in your words until then! 🙂

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