
It’s Ragnar Time (Insert One Million Exclamation Points Here)

“Running has always been a relief and a sanctuary—

something that makes me feel good, both physically and mentally.

For me it’s not so much about the health benefits.

Those are great, but I believe that the best thing about running is the joy it brings to life.”
-Kara Goucher

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My sentiments exactly! 

Normally (not that most people would consider a Ragnar normal…) when people run a Ragnar, they do it with a group of friends. I however as we all know like to walk run that fine line between crazy and EPICALLY AWESOME. That is why I will be running my Ragnar with a group of strangers. That’s right! A whole team of people I’ve never met… aside from the hubs that is. You would think there would be a little part of me that would have some trepidation about this, but the truth is the only thing I am feeling is BEYOND EXCITED!!!! (It’s going to be SO AMESOME!!!!!)


Originally, I was nervous about the sleep deprivation and prospect of getting sick/run down from being up for 30+ hours, BUT I have been SO PUMPED about running both my first Ragnar and first sponsored race that I have been too excited to sleep anyway. So far, I seem to be functioning fine… aside from this manic, furiously typed post anyway. 😉

This morning my poor hubs found out just how excited when I kind of refused to let him sleep… because I couldn’t sleep… because it’s like Christmas in our house! Christmas in September! I tried REALLY hard to let him sleep, but after I got all the chores done and packed, I just couldn’t contain my enthusiasm anymore. I tried rubbing his back and cuddling him to get him up, and when that didn’t work I just talked to him incessantly about my ENTIRE day yesterday (mostly my job interview YEA!!!!!).  Since that also didn’t work, I resorted to bribery and made him breakfast. Breakfast bribery, I’m not above it.


I am happy to report that the bribe worked and we now have movement resembling packing. (Woohoo!) I am hoping we will be on the road shortly. In the meantime, I thought I’d take the opportunity to connect with my blog community AND thank all the amazing sponsors who I’ll be referring to as my Ragnar Fairy Godmothers this weekend. Please check them out and show them some love!

Bondi Band

Chase This Skirt

KT Tape

Clif Bar


Shower Pill


Thank you sponsors for making my racing dreams come true this weekend!!!!

For anyone interested in our Ragnar journey, you can follow us on instagram and twitter with a hashtag #BondiBandits.